Lakeside Gas' Response to COVID-19
What specific actions has Lakeside Gas taken to protect Customers, workers
and the public?
Our health and safety teams are actively monitoring this situation and we
have closely reviewed our pandemic and business continuity plans in light of
COVID-19. We're following the latest guidance provided by public health
officials and government authorities.
We're doing our part to help prevent the spread of the virus by practicing
social distancing where possible, both for our team and our customers, while
also maintaining safe and reliable operations by:
Placing strict limitations on business travel and cancelling large
group meetings.
Implementing work-at-home plans for roles suited to working remotely.
Providing information to our employees on universal cold and flu
precautions such as frequent hand washing and requiring them to stay at home
if they feel unwell.
We've implemented protocols for workers who enter customer homes and
businesses in the course of their work including:
Implementation of health screening questionnaire when booking
appointments with customers.
- Technicians have enhanced personal protective equipment and procedures
- Practice social distancing by maintaining at least 6ft (2m).
No Lakeside Gas worker that is feeling ill or has been exposed to any
COVID-19 risk factors will conduct work in customer homes or businesses.
Providing information to our workers on universal cold and flu
precautions (Hand sanitizing, Proper Hygiene, Cough/Sneeze techniques, etc)
- Heightened disinfection practices
At Lakeside Gas the safety of our customers, the public and workers is our
top priority.